至 saug_- : It must be tough for you and great at the same time. Imagine walking around and running into overweight pale fat assed white girls in hoop earrings, face tattoos, and tight booty shorts everywhere. Your balls must be blue all day. That would kiII me. I live near a trailer park and it's hard enough on me with the them around. A lot of the women here are overweight and wear booty shorts everywhere. It's rough but great.
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saug_- 1 月 前
至 WallyWorldPimp : We live in a 98% black ghettos area. Me and my wife work as social workers with the blacks there.
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至 saug_- : If you go into ghetto areas you can actually run into them a lot. They're super easy, especially when they're fat. Make your dreams come true.
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