farmbitchone 5 年 前
One may argue this and say up to a 7-8 inch length penile length is desirable, and for the few, this is true, however, even the 5-6 inch length penis with a 6.5-7 inch circumferential girth will satisfy even those ‘finicky’ women who ‘need’ the longer length penis. A longer than average penis (over 6 inches) may ‘look’ better to the eye, and ‘feel’ better to the touch, or even have some minor benefits with some sexual positions, but when it comes to vaginal penetration and stimulation, an enlarged girth is the winner hands down with almost no exceptions.
sensualiteur 8 年 前
mmmmmmhhhhhh so nice and hot she's a wondeful bbw with a very sweet hot big ass, i would like to participate at a gangbang with this woman